Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haiti; How can we Help?

It seems that there has been one natural disaster after another. With each one more devastating than the next. But there is one thing that all of these disasters have in common. People coming together for the greater good and helping those in need.
It's the simple things that mean so much in times of crisis. Letters of condolences and hope sent to families who lost their loved ones, fresh water and a hot meal, or simply a fresh change of clothes. These are the day to day luxuries that we all take for granted.
The Child Care Council of Ky(www.childcarecouncilofky.com) has teamed up with The Red Cross and is selling shirts with the logo "Have a Heart, Lend a Hand, Haiti 2010" with all proceeds going directly to Haiti. These shirts will remind us of the tragedy and how we, as a people, came together in a time of need to help each other. Also, every shirt we sell, we will send another shirt to a child in Haiti. Remember, Kids Matter!

You can learn how to purchase these shirts by following our twitter page(www.twitter.com @childcareofky), Our website(above), and our facebook fan page(www.facebook.com search child care council, inc and/or Kids Matter).

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